
Organize Your Utility Closet: The Checklist

Organizing your utility closet may seem confusing, so we’re providing you with a simple checklist.

For the basics of utility closet organization, you can see our dedicated post.

  • Access your supplies
    Take some time to examine what you have in stock. It’s always a great idea to write it out and keep up with the things that you use on a regular basis. This will help you to eliminate the things you never use and make shopping lists for the future.
  • Create appropriate shelving
    Different items should be housed in different ways. Shelving can be made larger or smaller depending on the size of the products. It’s a great idea to pair like-sized items together, but it is not always practical based on how often you use that particular product. In short, create the shelving system that works best for your regular routine.
  • Add additional storage for ultimate space
    Don’t be afraid to implement additional storage where you may be lacking. Don’t have enough shelf space? Consider using bins or buckets to house other items that don’t fit on the shelves.
  • Label
    Labels will quickly become your best friend. Especially in households of two or more people it’s always nice to help others stay on the same organization track.
  • Donate what you don’t use
    If you don’t use it get rid of it. Most likely, someone out there will be able to use the products that have set idly on the shelf for months.
  • Utilize floor space
    Brooms, vacuums, mops—anything that doesn’t require a shelf for safe keeping can simply be put on the floor.
  • Include pegs and hooks
    Pegs and hooks are a great way to stow away those items that easily get lost in the nooks and crannies.
  • Rotate usage of items
    If you have a bad habit of using one product over and over simply because it’s “there” try rotating your items so everything gets its fair use.

These steps will help you make the most of your utility space as well as keep you up to speed on the items you need to keep or toss.

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