
Basic Lawn Care

Mowing your lawn regularly is the guarantee of having a beautiful green carpet, but what if you don’t know where to start?
Here are all our tips and tricks to taking care of your lawn the right way.

Tips | Height | Use | Clippings

Simple lawn-mowing tips

lawnmowing tips
To have a beautiful lawn, you need a lawnmower that fits your grass, and mow regularly.
Once a week on average will suffice (even less for Mediterranean climates) from march to late October. In summer, mow every twelve days on average.
Always mow in the same direction. Start from the outside, the walkways, and work your way in.
For slopes, mow either up to down, or down to up, but never through as you risk tipping the mower on its side.
Avoid loose clothing that could hinder you during the mowing, or get caught in the handles (or worse). Wear trousers to protect your legs, as well as strong, non-slip closed shoes. Rubber boots are recommended.
Avoid mowing grass that is too dry or too humid, as well as in the morning (dew) or right after a rain. The grass may become too slippery, and the mower will not perform its job properly.

How high should it be?

grass height
Rule of thumb is to mow a third of your grass’ height.
Specifically, mow around 2 inches high in March, a little higher at the beginning of summer to limit yellowing during drought (3-4 inches high), and more flush around winter (up to and inch high).
Do not wait until the grass is too high (over 4 inches high) to mow, as you may run into jams.

How to use my lawn?

how to use lawn

Use it as an English lawn (decorative)

If your lawn is just there for show, with virtually no trampling, then you can mow it flush (an inch), and maintain your lawn well to keep it the way it is, year-round. Use your mower once a week, watering and fertilizing as often. Check up on the occasional development of weeds.

Use it to relax, lying in the grass or have a picnic

Adjust the cutting height of your lawnmower to 1-2 inches for well rooted grass. Mow once a week in the spring, and then every 15 days. Twice a year, in early spring and fall, make a contribution of slow-release fertilizer.

Use it for a football/soccer field

Mow the lawn about 2 inches high, twice a month. Scarify it in the spring. Bring water and fertilizers in abundance when it is subjected to massive damage.

What to do with grass clippings?

grass clippings
You can choose to leave grass clippings in place, especially if you are using a side discharge or mulching. You can also pick them up, especially if it is too thick, as it could suppress your lawn.
Collect the grass by hand or rake the following day. It will be dry and easier to comb.

If the lawn has not been treated before mowing, grass clippings can reach the compost or be used as mulch for all your crops. Otherwise, burn it (collecting the ashes, rich in nutrients for plants), or throw it in the appropriate trash bags (green waste).


  1. I really like how you talk about height and how much you should be cutting your grass based on the season. This is something I will have to keep in mind as I am looking for a lawn care service that can take care of this for me. Hopefully, I will be able to give them some special instruction like this for taking care of my lawn.

  2. I liked that you mentioned you need to consider mowing your lawn regularly to keep it in good shape. My husband and I are thinking about starting a garden project, and we are looking for advice. I will let him know about the benefits of mowing our lawn regularly to keep it looking good.

  3. Thanks for informing me that I should keep my grass mowed around two inches in order to make sure that it will grow well. My arm is fractured and in a cast so I can’t do this on my own. I think I’ll hire a lawn care service so that they can mow the lawn for me instead.

  4. It’s good to learn that you should have your lawn mowed once a week to keep it in good condition. My wife and I are wanting to take better care of our house and we were wondering how often we should mow the lawn. I’ll be sure to tell her that we should have the lawn mowed once a week.

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